
AT POLLARD BANKNOTE, operating in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner is of the utmost importance. This commitment is not only reflected in our business management policies, but also in our manufacturing processes and standards.

We use relevant international standards and guidelines as a framework to build and maintain the environmental aspects of our management system and have obtained relevant certifications to independently monitor the system’s effectiveness. In addition, we ensure that our organization complies with relevant regulations across all of our operations.

Environmental certifications: ISO 14001:2015, SA 8000:2014, Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) Chain of Custody Certification, EcoVadis Scorecard Rating.

Pollard Banknote uses water-based inks for the vast majority of our instant ticket production, thus reducing the usage of solvent-based inks and protective coatings and resultant Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) released as a result. Since 2010, we have realized a 67% reduction in VOC emissions from our ticket production operations, driven primarily by the switch to water-based inks. Our most modern and highest capacity printing press is also equipped with a catalytic oxidizer to break down any VOCs released when using solvent-based inks into safer and more environmentally friendly compounds.

Our company-wide goal is to ultimately transition all of our clients to 100% water-based printing.

Through ongoing investments in technology upgrades to our manufacturing systems, we are actively working to lower our electricity demand year over year. We are fortunate that several of our locations benefit from access to clean renewable energy sources. Our largest printing and office location in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada benefits from access to clean hydroelectric electricity, with over 97% of electricity generated in Manitoba by water-driven turbine generation. The state of Iowa, where our American Games facility is located, is now generating almost 3/5ths of the state’s power needs with clean wind power. All jurisdictions in which we operate have a focus on how to decrease reliance on fossil fuels.

Activities are ongoing at Pollard Banknote to reduce our consumption, such as upgrades for efficient LED lighting, energy-saving receptacles for parking lots, motion sensitive lighting, and the maximizing of truckload quantities for efficient use of third-party freight companies.

A key area of focus for many years has been the recycling of waste from our printing processes. Work in this area has resulted in a majority of the waste generated from paper, cardboard, shrink wrap, and cold foil material consumption being recycled and utilized for alternative eco-friendly products. In 2021, our efforts diverted almost 5,000 MT of these products from the landfill into alternative uses. Everything from used pallets, storage containers, and obsolete electronics are recycled or re-purposed.

Our used cold foil Scratch FX® material is used to make a rope product.

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